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How to Turn One Long-Form Article Into Nine Pieces of Content - MarketingProfs

How to Turn One Long-Form Article Into Nine Pieces of Content - MarketingProfs | The MarTech Digest |
1. Break Up Points Into New Blog Posts

2. Host a Live Webinar

3. Upload Your Webinar Recording to YouTube

4. Upload Your Webinar Slides to SlideShare

5. Write a Webinar Recap Post

6. Do a Facebook Live Event

7. Do a Podcast

8. Write a Recap Post of the Podcast

9. Create an Infographic
Joemktg's insight:

Note: There are so many options.


RYZZ is coming. It’s a new approach to MarTech for B2B Marketers.


#MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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The Missing Step To Maximizing Your B2B Content Marketing Investments - Forrester

The best practice among top marketers we work with is to repurpose cornerstone content into at least 10 or more different formats. Here’s a list of additional assets you can use to activate cornerstone content, with limited additional effort or expense:

  • Data points in executive keynote presentations.
  • Sales presentations.
  • Investor pitches.
  • Click fodder for online ads or social media.
  • Press fodder.
  • Bylined articles.
  • Channel enablement kits.
  • Employee communications.
  • Press releases.
  • Ad campaigns.
  • Blog posts.
  • Social posts.
  • A series of nurturing emails.
  • A written “Q&A” interview with a key executive.
  • “Fact” graphics to support a video.
  • A SlideShare story.
Joemktg's insight:

Of course!!!


Visualize your Marketing Stack. marketingIO will analyze your marketing technology and deliver a visual of your MarTech Stack. Free. Go here: 


#MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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An Agile Approach to Repurposing Content - Kapost Content Marketing Blog

An Agile Approach to Repurposing Content - Kapost Content Marketing Blog | The MarTech Digest |

"So to repurpose content in a more Agile way, we want to release smaller chunks over time rather than wait until we accumulate a huge amount of content.

For example, we could release a single blog post and video as soon as they are done, rather than wait for the completion all seven interviews. Each blog post/video combo could have its own iteration.

Releasing these smaller pieces creates learning opportunities that can help the team produce better results over time.

They might find out the four-minute video they released first had far lower conversions than the two-minute version they put out later. Now they can apply that lesson to future content, as well as return and reiterate their past work to make it more effective."

Joemktg's insight:

Visualize your Marketing Stack. marketingIO will analyze your marketing technology and deliver a visual of your MarTech Stack. Free. Go here: 


#MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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How to Repurpose Your Blog Content as Infographic - Mention

How to Repurpose Your Blog Content as Infographic - Mention | The MarTech Digest |
Step 1: Trim the fat and create an outline
Step 2: Structure your template
This is the easy part, because you don’t need to be an infographic design wiz in order to produce a solid infographic template. Start out by choosing your favorite infographic generator. In this case, I naturally recommend Venngage, because I’m biased.
Step 3: Outreach and repurpose
Joemktg's insight:

MarTech is the best tool available to bridge the gap between Sales and Marketing. Contact us to see how. #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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11 ways you can repurpose content with minimal effort - Hootsuite

11 ways you can repurpose content with minimal effort - Hootsuite | The MarTech Digest |
  • "Podcasts or audio blogs
  • Infographics
  • Slideshows
  • Videos
  • Videographic
  • Webinars
  • Email series
  • eBooks
  • Content communities
  • Online magazines and publications
  • Content Upgrades"
Joemktg's insight:

Curated for you by marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions.  #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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How your old content can help with SEO - Search Engine Land

How your old content can help with SEO - Search Engine Land | The MarTech Digest |
Spend some time reviewing your page performance metrics from the past. Were there any articles that should have been major performers but never lived up to their potential? Anything that was once a powerhouse, but audience interest dwindled? Spend some good hours updating the talking points in your content to reflect the latest trends and information. Research your long-tail keywords and use these phrases organically within the content, to ensure that Google recognizes the usefulness of your page to the people who would benefit from it most.

Google’s algorithms favor domains with an ongoing flow of fresh content, but they also favor pages that were published recently. To update your content without sacrificing its seniority benefits, make sure that the new version sits on the same URL as the old.

Using this powerful tactic, one recent experiment yielded a 66-percent lift in organic traffic to old blog posts.
Joemktg's insight:

Incredibly powerful guidance! CT for the details.


NEW: Experience Remarkable Planning Accuracy With New, FREE Growth Hacking Tool. Go here: 

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4 Genius Ways to Squeeze More Value From Your White Paper or eBook - Uberflip

4 Genius Ways to Squeeze More Value From Your White Paper or eBook - Uberflip | The MarTech Digest |

marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions

Joemktg's insight:

It's called Repurposing.

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How to Repurpose Your Content Correctly [Infographic] - Profs

How to Repurpose Your Content Correctly [Infographic] - Profs | The MarTech Digest |

marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions.

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How to Repurpose Your Content Correctly - Visual Contenting

How to Repurpose Your Content Correctly - Visual Contenting | The MarTech Digest |

marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions.

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5 Steps to Mind Map Your Content and Increase Its Reach - CMI

5 Steps to Mind Map Your Content and Increase Its Reach - CMI | The MarTech Digest |
Content mapping for curation purposes is a logical derivative of the phenomenon of mind mapping — a diagram is drawn to visually organize information, frequently around a single concept represented as a circle in the center of the map.

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An experienced content mapper can easily chop the topic into separate thoughts or ideas. But less-experienced content mappers can brainstorm, using the map as a physical manifestation — drawing a tree, for example, and jotting down in the branches all the different subjects that come to mind.

Joemktg's insight:

It's a means by which to organize your content parsing and repurposing effort. The great benefit: pulling in far more benefits from a segmented effort than one big push. Excellent stuff. Click through for details to the infographic.

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[Infographic] The 3 Rs of Content Marketing - Marketo

[Infographic] The 3 Rs of Content Marketing - Marketo | The MarTech Digest |

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Tips for Driving Engagement with 'Snackable' Content Marketing [infographic] | Oracle Marketing Cloud

Tips for Driving Engagement with 'Snackable' Content Marketing [infographic] | Oracle Marketing Cloud | The MarTech Digest |

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Steps to Scale Your Content Marketing Strategy - CMI | #TheMarketingTechAlert

Steps to Scale Your Content Marketing Strategy - CMI | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Basic/ Highlighted...

6. Reduce, reuse, repurpose

If you’re not repurposing content, you’re doing it wrong. Combine, reuse or rethink content in new and unexpected ways to generate more with less effort. For example:

  • Split larger content assets into blog posts
  • Write a blog post based on one section of an infographic you’ve produced
  • Map out a blog post series that could also serve as chapters of next month’s eBook.

In addition to getting more mileage from each topic, repurposing challenges you to re-create valuable content assets for different buyer personas and verticals — making content highly targeted and relevant.


9. Befriend data

Track performance through quantifiable metrics, and leverage this data to allocate resources toward top-performing subjects and formats. Once you’ve defined the  objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) that will serve as benchmarks for content success, you’ll be able to analyze current activities, evaluate performance, define next steps to improve weaknesses and build upon strengths, and calculate ROI. Consider establishing a schedule like the following to ensure that you stay on top of your metrics:

  • Daily: Quickly monitor analytics technology for spikes and anomalies. Investigate as necessary.
  • Monthly, quarterly, and annually: Record KPIs, looking for trends and potential contributors.
  • As needed: Plan for spot-checks into your analytics now and again to evaluate the performance of new content initiatives or particularly innovative content projects.



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Joemktg's insight:

These two steps out of the ten listed are the most important. I cannot overemphasize the importance of parsing and personalizing to the persona.

Juliana Loh's curator insight, July 4, 2014 5:16 AM

I'm dead focused on editing out material and re-purposing what I've got. Main goal: Cut down on costs and time! Pre-plan your events and consider what you need for the website even before it's done. ex. backstories and 'how to's'

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50 Creative Ways To Repurpose Your Content (Infographic) - EveryPost | #TheMarketingTechAlert

50 Creative Ways To Repurpose Your Content (Infographic) - EveryPost | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Need fresh content marketing ideas? Check out 50 creative ways to repurpose your blog and social media content... (Infographic)



FREE: AgileContent™ delivers more quality content to your market! Get your FREE 14 Day Trial NOW!: No credit card required!


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Joemktg's insight:

Very convenient. You'll want to refer back to this one.

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8 Ways You Can Turn Old-School Marketing Into Inbound Marketing - HubSpot | #TheMarketingTechAlert

8 Ways You Can Turn Old-School Marketing Into Inbound Marketing - HubSpot | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Think your old-school marketing content is useless? Think again. Here are 8 ways to repurpose your old-school content to benefit your inbound marketing.

Basic/ Summarized...

1) Print Newsletters --> Email Newsletters

2) Trade-Show Banners --> Social Media Images

3) Banner Ads --> Blog Calls-to-Action

4) Whitepapers --> Ebooks

5) Research Reports --> Infographics

6) Brochures --> Website Pages

7) Direct Mail --> Email Marketing

8) Radio Ad Copy --> Tweets 



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Joemktg's insight:

Abracadabra: old to new. Just repurpose with renewed purpose.

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3 SEO Methods to Repurpose Great Content - Search Engine Watch | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

3 SEO Methods to Repurpose Great Content - Search Engine Watch | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
By reposting off-site publications on your website using either of those three methods, you are able to repurpose awesome articles and put your content in front of more readers without worrying about a duplicate content penalty from Google.


Want to get more out of the amazing content you publish online? Of course you do! Writing guest blogs takes a lot of time to research the topic, write engaging content, provide images, and pitch to quality websites. My SEO team and I utilize a few different methods to repurpose our content creation efforts by reposting our external publications on our own blog.


Normally, posting duplicate content on your website is a bad idea. However, the following three strategies address the duplicate content issues and enhance your website’s user experience, RSS feeds, and email marketing.


3 Strategies for Reposting on Your Website

Method 1: Reference with a summary

Method 2: rel=canonical

Method 3: 301 redirect

Joemktg's insight:

Two points about this informative (and geeky) post:

  1. There is this labyrinth of repurposed content that you need to constantly manage and improve, between blogs, web sites, feeds, social, etc. It can easily get out of control without ongoing management.
  2. You have to have an SEO expert in place to manage SEO: it is not a task to throw over to the webmaster.

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  • iNeoMarketing drives more revenue and opportunities for B2B companies using marketing technologies. Contact us
Janet Evans's curator insight, July 16, 2015 6:47 AM

SEO is one of the most difficult area in web content writing that can slow down your online business. But this can be solved by getting your articles written cheaply for a fee of $5 on fiverr. I always hire the services of this writer on fiverr. You can view the link at

sapponmedi's curator insight, February 14, 2021 2:09 PM

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37 Ways to Repurpose a Blog Post [Infographic] - Infographic Journal

37 Ways to Repurpose a Blog Post [Infographic] - Infographic Journal | The MarTech Digest |
This infographic from Content Equals Money offers 37 tips and ideas for writers, bloggers, businesses and content creators to repurpose their best blog posts and share them over the web in many different ways.
Joemktg's insight:

Now here's an infographic that we can refer to on an ongoing basis.

  • See the article at
  • Receive a daily summary of The Marketing Automation Alert directly to your inbox. Subscribe here (your privacy is protected).
  • If you like this scoop, PLEASE share by using the links below.
  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us.
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