Only 9% of UK PR agencies believe they have reliable social media monitoring service | PRmoment | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Compared with the rest of Europe, UK PR agencies are least happy with their media monitoring, and are keen to find a comprehensive way to measure social media claims latest research...


Social media monitoring is no easy task. The technological and logistical challenges are significant. Kantar Media company Press Index has just published a survey on social media and media monitoring practices in public relations agencies across Europe, and it paints a mixed picture.


Clemence de Termont heads up Press Index in the UK. She believes that the results suggests PR agencies may be spending too much time on this task and need to review whether they are getting the most out of their current media monitoring solutions.


UK PR agencies are the least confident about monitoring tools. As de Termont explains: “Most of those surveyed believe they have the necessary tools to effectively monitor the media, but In the UK only 53 per cent of respondents share such confidence, reflecting a more advanced and demanding market."...


[Interesting look at social media monitoring challenges ~ Jeff]