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Curated by Jeff Domansky
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My unsolicited advice for Sean Spicer, Kellyanne Conway and the team

My unsolicited advice for Sean Spicer, Kellyanne Conway and the team | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

During my eight years in the Obama administration, there was an offhand comment uttered from time to time in the hallway after something went off the rails, "It's a communications problem."


The reality is that is the case sometimes, but most of the time the problem is much larger.


Some of the major fumbles of the first few weeks of the Trump administration have been due to the communications team: whether it was the sloppy rollout of the executive order on immigration or the series of television interviews with senior officials who were either unprepared, out of the loop or pompous enough to think they could wing it with a network anchor.


But not all the problems are communications issues....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Former Obama communications director Jen Psaki says the communications team may not be able to rein in President Trump but there are other things they can do to improve their outreach to the public. A fresh and not fake. perspective.

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The media shut down the Trump spinning

The media shut down the Trump spinning | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

The TV media no longer conceal their disdain for Donald Trump’s ludicrous spinners. Jake Tapper raps Rudy Giuliani for defending Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns and chides Paul Manafort: “These things, just because you say them, they’re not true!” CNN’s Brianna Keilar takes Kellyanne Conway to task for insisting Trump did not mean to say he’d lock up Hillary Clinton. (“I’m talking about what your candidate is saying, which is more important than what you are saying about this. He is saying she has to go to jail. He is not talking about she has to stand and be judged. He is saying she has to go to jail.”) And practically everyone treats the hapless Jason Miller as a liar, a fool or both.

Bias? No, these TV journalists can no longer bear to pretend Trump’s people are saying anything resembling the truth and are annoyed they have to put them on air essentially to lie to the American people....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

TV media in particular have relished the ratings from the most disruptive US election campaign ever. Reality TV crossed over into mainstream TV journalism and media credibility continues to evaporate.


The surrogates and spinners deserve our scorn. The media do not deserve our respect for their inability, unwillingness and lack of courage to call out racism, misogyny, undemocratic behavior, lies and conduct unbecoming a Presidential candidate. have simply arrived too late to calling a shovel a bloody spade.


Too little, too late. The media and the people are both poorer for it.

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Sorry State – The Tale of the Tapes | 15 Seconds

Sorry State – The Tale of the Tapes | 15 Seconds | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

We suppose it is possible for the Department of State to screw up the handling of questions about whether they lied to reporters even worse — but it is hard to figure out how.

The video below from CNN’s Jake Tapper today nicely lays out the series of offenses — but here is our quick summary:

In February 2013 Fox News correspondent James Rosen asked then State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland if there had been direct talks between the U.S. and Iran.  She essentially said “NO.”

In December 2013, Rosen points out to Nuland’s successor Jen Psaki that the correct answer would have been “YES” and asked if State routinely lied to reporters when they found it convenient. Psaki with a smirk said there are times when diplomacy needs privacy to succeed. (Translation: yes, we lied)....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Lots of crisis management and media relations lessons here.

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What It's Like to Be Attacked by Putin's American Flack

What It's Like to Be Attacked by Putin's American Flack | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Investigating the gun industry, Muslim extremists, and high-stakes litigation, I’ve grown accustomed to deadline intimidation from corporate legal departments or an executive’s personal PR squad, but only this week am I getting a feel for what it’s like to be the target when a sovereign nation goes into crisis-communication mode.

Worried about revelations in Law of the Jungle, my soon-to-be-released book about the epic Chevron (CVX) oil pollution case, the Republic of Ecuador’s U.S. public relations advisers, New York-based Ketchum, has sent a six-page, single-spaced memo to Ecuador’s ambassador to the U.S., Nathalie Cely. Marked “reservado y confidencial,” the memo, prepared in Spanish throughout, outlines “difficult questions” the book raises “that negatively affect Ecuador,” and includes an ad hominem swipe. “It remains unclear when and how many times Barrett visited Ecuador or if he interviewed anyone from the Government,” the memo states. “This can be converted into a point that we can raise, but only in suitable settings and among appropriate journalists.”

I obtained a copy of the memo from a helpful noncombatant who works for neither Ketchum nor the ambassador and who requested anonymity for all the obvious and usual reasons. The damage-control document is a peculiar combination of advice on how to discredit the messenger—“this can be converted into a point …”—and admissions that the book raises issues that do not reflect well on Ecuador’s government....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

As the target for a "discredit him strategy" journalist and author Paul Barrett provides insight into the world of multinational corporations, politics and public affairs. I'm looking forward to reading the book.

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Kellyanne Conway Is the Slipperiest Political Flack in History

Kellyanne Conway Is the Slipperiest Political Flack in History | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

This drives journalists nuts. They feel a duty to rebut lies, and in the age of “John Oliver Destroys Something” headlines, there’s an appetite among liberal viewers for plucky correspondents eviscerating right-wing ideologues on-air. We’ve now seen one host after another—Todd, Cuomo, Anderson Cooper—lose his cool or waste a long interview trying to make Conway acknowledge elementary facts.

Of course, presidential flacks have always tried to stretch or shade the truth during on-air interviews. In his first briefings as press secretary to President George W. Bush, Ari Fleischer juggled contrary rationales for tax cuts, that the government could afford them or that a weak economy needed them, using whichever argument seemed to fit the evidence presented. In his first briefings as press secretary to President Obama,


Robert Gibbs used the term “financial stability package” to mask the stench of corporate bailouts. Reporters understood that no matter what they asked, Fleischer would defend tax cuts and Gibbs would defend bailouts. But the president’s spokesman would generally try to reconcile the president’s agenda with the facts. And if he couldn’t, he would at least clarify the agenda.


Conway brings none of that. She alters unwelcome questions, disregards the facts presented to her, and clarifies nothing. In part, that’s because Trump has no organized agenda. All he has is ego. So that’s what she fights for. She’s not there to persuade a skittish Republican senator to repeal the Affordable Care Act. She’s there to defend and avenge one man’s wounded pride....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

This is undoubtedly the most interesting time for media relations lessons ever. Journalism and PR students and pros are learning new realities every day

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Debate prep reveals clash of styles for Clinton, Trump

Debate prep reveals clash of styles for Clinton, Trump | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Hillary Clinton is devouring briefing book after briefing book about Donald Trump's policy positions, personality and politics. She's watching highlight reels, taking notes and studying his style -- particularly when he's in attack mode.

Trump, meanwhile, is doing his thinking out loud -- mulling over policies and strategies in rolling conversations with top campaign aides and a band of informal advisers that includes Roger Ailes and Rudy Giuliani.

Less than four weeks from the first of three presidential debates -- on September 26 at Hofstra University in New York -- the candidates are preparing for an unpredictable, high-stakes night....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Will the first debate be vintage Trump or classic Clinton? I suspect insults will fly as the two wrestle in the mud. Unless moderators keep control, and why would they, it's gonna be great TV? No policies will be harmed nor insults left unhurled in this reality TV show. Who can resist watching?

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A transcript of Donald Trump’s meeting with The Washington Post editorial board

A transcript of Donald Trump’s meeting with The Washington Post editorial board | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

The Republican frontrunner met with the editorial board on Monday morning. The full transcript follows at the link above:


FREDERICK RYAN JR., WASHINGTON POST PUBLISHER: Mr. Trump, welcome to the Washington Post. Thank you for making time to meet with our editorial board.


DONALD TRUMP: New building. Yes this is very nice. Good luck with it.


RYAN: Thank you… We’ve heard you’re going to be announcing your foreign policy team shortly… Any you can share with us?


TRUMP: Well, I hadn’t thought of doing it, but if you want I can give you some of the names… Walid Phares, who you probably know, PhD, adviser to the House of Representatives caucus, and counter-terrorism expert; Carter Page, PhD; George Papadopoulos, he’s an energy and oil consultant, excellent guy; the Honorable Joe Schmitz, [former] inspector general at the Department of Defense; [retired] Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg; and I have quite a few more. But that’s a group of some of the people that we are dealing with. We have many other people in different aspects of what we do, but that’s a representative group....


Jeff Domansky's insight:

I thought they had quit making episodes of the Twilight Zone. If you enjoy politics, this will keep you entertained. One lesson though for PR and public affairs pros. Who suggested he meet with an obviously hostile crowd? There was no possible win here for Trump given his lack of substance and who he was meeting. Recommended reading. 11/10   ;-)

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The Candidate Who Got Crushed By A Smarter Interviewer | Mr. Media Training

The Candidate Who Got Crushed By A Smarter Interviewer | Mr. Media Training | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

If you're going to launch a "War on Fox News" -- and decide to appear on the Fox News Channel anyway -- you should have been prepared better than this.

...The first lesson is this, as stated by Political Wire’s Taegan Goddard: “Pro tip: If you’re running for Congress and pledging a “war on Fox News” then it’s probably best not to appear on Fox News.”

But I only agree with that partially. Appearing on Fox News while pledging a war on the network could have turned this local Democratic candidate into a popular national Democratic hero—if he was a skilled debater who could have held his own against an experienced host....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Brad Phillips shares a devastating media training lesson - be prepared! Of course this political hack didn't have it together anyhow. this is one of those video clips that is a must-see!