A Sad Story About a Poorly Designed Sales Contest | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it
Early in my career, I remember our CEO calling the entire sales team into the conference room. There were about 30 of us. With tremendous enthusiasm he announced a new SPIFF program with … drumroll … a prize of $20,000! To win, each rep needed to achieve the following:

Q3 bookings of $275,000 or more
Q4 bookings of $275,000 or more
Sell 25 of any Product
Sell 10 of Product A
Sell 4 of Product B in Q3
Sell 4 of Product B in Q4

Now, even for the highest earners, a $20k bonus was nothing to laugh at. So you can imagine the excitement that rose up from the room. Everyone left determined to conquer the challenge -- exactly what our CEO wanted. But what happened next probably wasn’t what he anticipated...