Twitter may be the newest battleground for big brands. While these duels appear to be all in good fun, one can’t help but notice how much attention both sides are getting because of a little friendly brawl. Ad Week highlights two conflicts between four very high profile brands. Oreo recently got dunked by AMC Theatres and Taco Bell mixed it up with Old Spice.


Sometimes, Twitter is all about understanding your audience. Oreo asked its followers, “Ever bring your own Oreo cookies to the movie theater?” AMC Theatres replied @Oreo “NOT COOL, COOKIE.” This response was certainly not what Oreo had expected. However, maybe this little dose of creativity and engagement is why AMC Theatres has over 136,000 followers, while Oreo has about 53,000. Shane Adams, the voice of the AMC Theatres Twitter account, explains that these posts are not just about being clever. He says that Twitter is about trust and how a brand’s voice is defined. Once the audience knows the brand personality, they will be able to relate more to the brand. Oreo responded @AMCTheatres, “Fair enough, but don’t hate the player, hate the game.” No hard feelings here, just a little social media creativity....