12 Awesome Content Marketing Ideas That Aren’t Blog Posts | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

With so much content out there it can be hard to ensure that your brand’s message does not get lost in the noise of the Internet.

So to help your content stand out from the numerous dry standard formatted blogs out there why not take a different approach and frame your content as a quiz, or a comic strip? Perhaps move onto Twitter and host a Q&A session? Or why not post your content into a shared space and generate discussion around it?

There are many ways in which you can differentiate your brand message and really engage with prospects - below we have pulled together 12 of the most awesome creative media formats, from  charts, text messages all the way through to content vampires, to help you really make sure that your content is noticed. As fashion designer and style icon Vivienne Westwood once said “You will have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes” and the same applies for content marketing - you will have a more interesting brand if you create impressive content.”