The Definitive Guide to Increase Rankings with These 4 Content Freshness Tips | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Tweet Tweet Freshness is one of the more recent factors that Google has added to their algorithm in the last couple of years.


Freshness is one of the more recent factors that Google has added to their algorithm in the last couple of years. In fact, the Caffeine web indexing system was meant to help them find and identify fresh content among the massive amount of stuff that gets published every day…an impact that affected 6-10% of searches....


More than likely you will fall into that last category…useful, but old content. So let me tell you how to reach the top of the rankings by increasing the freshness of your current content....


Freshness is just one piece of theGoogle algorithm puzzle. Learning how to influence it will only get you so far, so it pays to have a comprehensive SEO strategy. That strategy should focus on developing valuable content, which will naturally influence freshness and other factors.


[Neil Patel offers advice on how to use content strategically to improve SEO. A must-read - JD]