Track Compelling Content Titles with 12-Step Title Optimization | Tracy Gold | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Titles play a key role in getting eyes on your content. Create compelling content titles based on your analytics using this 12-step process.


In the content marketing rush, it can be hard to slow down and think about an essential element of each piece of compelling content: its title. Yet titles feed onto social media sites and play a big role in search engine optimization (SEO). 

Because of this impact, titles also influence the amount of traffic a content marketing blog garners, as the Content Marketing Institute recently found out. Over the past couple of months, I’ve been working with CMI to figure out exactly what makes a good title, and how to make every single title shine.

Forget guesswork and gut feelings — we dug deep into CMI’s analytics to find out exactly which types of titles made the traffic roll in. Of course, many factors play into blog post traffic, but our research shows clear correlations between certain types of titles and higher or lower page views....