How To Make an Eye-Catching Branded YouTube Page [VIDEO] | Content Strategist | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
72 hours of video are uploaded onto the site every minute --- that's a lot of competition. Here's how to make your videos stand out.


With video a growing component of companies’ content strategies, building a YouTube brand page that stands out from the competition is increasingly important.


According to company statistics, there are more than 800 million unique visits to YouTube with 4 billions hours of video are watched each month. A whopping 72 hours of video are uploaded onto the site every minute — that’s a lot of competition.


With so much content available, owners of YouTube pages need to make sure that they give people a reason to visit.


Here are some tips on how to make a YouTube page attractive and worthy of people’s attention....


[Practical tips for social media strategists - JD]