Concept shows how good Facebook could look with a clever redesign | memeburn | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

While there’s always an outcry anytime Facebook changes anything, the essential structure of the social networking site hasn’t really radically altered over the years. The biggest change to data was Timeline, but if user interface designer Fred Nerby had his way, those updates would seem like nothing more than a tiny tweak.


Nerby decided to create a mockup of what Facebook could look like — on desktop or tablet — and posted the concept to his Behance profile. It features a more fluid, grid-like layout, greater emphasis on photos and a close friends panel which would allow you to cut out the rubbish updates and focus only on the people who are important to you. He also focused on creating options to hide clutter and expanded the dark messenger column in Facebook’s current apps to feature in other areas, like profile pages.


Nerby said he aimed to create a better understanding between user content and how it is displayed...