17 Tutorials for Creating Beautiful Graphics with Canva | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

Although most blog posts are primarily text, graphics and images can be extremely effective for holding the interest of your visitors and for improving your results with social media. With major social networks like Facebook and Twitter become more graphically-oriented, quality images can go a long way in helping your content to stand out, get shared more frequently, and attract more traffic.

And with Pinterest visual content is everything.But if you are not a designer you may be unsure of how you can get quality graphics for your blog without hiring a designer.

The good news is that you don’t need to be a designer in order to get effective images, and you don’t need to hire a designer or own Photoshop. Canva is a free web app that makes it possible for anyone to create graphics for a variety of purposes, including use with your blog posts.

In this post I want to highlight several tutorials that will help you to get more familiar with Canva, it’s tools, and what you can create with it....