Adobe Is Building An AI To Automate Web Design. Should You Worry? | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Adobe, one of the world’s largest and most powerful software companies, is trying something new: It's applying machine learning and image recognition to graphic and web design. In an unnamed project, the company has created tools that automate designers' tasks, like cropping photos and designing web pages. Should designers be worried?

The new project, which uses Adobe’s AI and machine learning program Sensei and integrates into the Adobe Experience Manager CMS, will debut at the company’s Sneaks competition later in March. While Adobe hasn’t committed to integrating it into any of its products, it’s one of the most ambitious attempts to marry machine learning and graphic design to date.

There have been efforts to use AI in the design world before—for instance, Wix’s Advance Design Intelligence and automated projects like Mark Maker, but Adobe’s is notable because of the company’s sheer reach in the design world. Although it’s just a prototype, it’s one to watch closely....