5 Pointless Marketing Metrics You Can Stop Tracking Today | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

But in many areas of marketing, more doesn't always mean better. Take your marketing data, for example. Though having data about your marketing programs is crucial to analyzing your success and making changes to future programs, some individual metrics aren't actually that helpful. And with only so much time in your day, you can't afford to spend your time analyzing data that won't help you make better marketing decisions. 

If you want to get a full run-down on the metrics you should (and shouldn't be tracking, tune into our webinar on March 11 called Smart Reporting: How to Stop Wasting Time and Make Better Marketing Decisions. To register for that webinar, click here.

In the meantime, let's take a look at some of the metrics you might not want to track -- and give you suggestions for different metrics to look at instead....