Overabundance of Disorganized and Unverified Information (search is broken) — Content Curation Official Guide | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

Online search is increasingly the vehicle through which many people find out, inform themselves and learn about most things they are interested in.

Although its commercial interests, profit-driven business model, secretive approach, and some of its technology limitations would really not suggest to leave that much power to Google, many of our information decisions are influenced, if not altogether driven by what this search engine suggests back to anyone of our queries.

As a consequence search plays a very critical role in our present society, and it would only seem wise for all that we do not readily accept the idea of relying on an auto-generated list of popular web sites ranked by a set of secret algorithms.

But, the reality is that without really being much aware of it, we have slowly but vastly delegated to Google the task of deciding for us what is most relevant and what is not, over just about any topic we can think of....