Will Mobile Apps Be Google's Undoing? (Hint: No) | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it
The New York Times offers an interesting story about Google and the competitive landscape of mobile. The headline is “As Web Search Goes Mobile, Competitors Chip at Google’s Lead.” The central idea of the article is that while Google is used on the PC equally to discover information and to navigate to specific sites, on smartphones people go directly to apps such as Amazon, Kayak or Yelp. As a basic matter, that’s accurate. However, quoting Danny Sullivan, the story also acknowledges that there’s still a great deal of mobile search activity, which is dominated by Google. Indeed, according to StatCounter, Google’s global mobile search market share is roughly 95 percent. Yet, we also know that “four out of five minutes” spent on mobile devices are spent with apps (per comScore). And, Nielsen said previously that roughly 80 percent of mobile time is with apps rather than the browser....