How Millennials Are Changing The Face Of Retail Shopping - Business 2 Community | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

The all-in-one shopping experience of major in-store retailers is becoming a thing of the past, as the ease and convenience of online shopping is putting more pressure on in-store retailers than ever. It can be far less preferable to go to a brick-and-mortar store when online purchases arrive within a few days and shipping is (often) free. Additionally, the sheer quantity of online vendors has afforded Millennials (and consumers in general) more retail options than ever before, thereby allowing Millennials to be more selective with their purchases.

Millennials actually prefer to browse for products over purchasing them, and only pull the trigger after a smile of satisfaction – a retailer’s ability to “make me smile” is 33 percent more important to Millennials than Baby Boomers. Online retailers interested in appealing to Millennial consumers need to provide them with a more shareable and social shopping experience. As the pioneers of social media, it is especially important for online retailers to offer products and advice to Millennials on social networks. Millennials want to share these things with 100, 1,000, or even 10,000 friends and followers (i.e. your potential customers). This dialog can be enhanced by a well-developed mobile strategy that engages the 50 percent of Millennials that are browsing and reviewing products via their mobile devices....