What are Buyer Personas and Why Are They Important for Your Business? | Business 2 Community | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

Think like your customer” “Put yourself in your customer’s shoes” and so on. These are some of the most repeated phrases of a business and like all other most cited words/phrases very few attention is paid to them. Every business owner/marketer agrees that you need to get an idea of your customer’s choices, his needs , problems which he is facing but very few follow this advice and even those who follow don’t have any idea how to think like their customer.Marketers have tried to solve this problem by coming up with “Buyer Personas”.


What is a Buyer Persona In marketing circles one frequently comes across this term but very few people have any idea of what is meant by a buyer persona. A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer or a segment of your target market. Please note that I’ve used ideal person as a synonym for a segment of your target market. Because in reality not all of your target customers are your ideal ones or those for whom you are looking....