Errata Security: That NBC story 100% fraudulent | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

On February 4th, NBC News ran a story claiming that if you bring your mobile phone or laptop to the Sochi Olympics, it'll immediately be hacked the moment you turn it on. The story was fabricated. The technical details relate to going to the Olympics in cyberspace (visiting websites), not going to there in person and using their local WiFi.

The story shows Richard Engel "getting hacked" while in a cafe in Russia. It is wrong in every salient detail.

1. They aren't in Sochi, but in Moscow, 1007 miles away.

2. The "hack" happens because of the websites they visit (Olympic themed websites), not their physical location.

3. The results would've been the same in America.The phone didn't "get" hacked; Richard Engel initiated the download of a hostile Android app onto his phone. [update here] and he had to disable the security on the phone to do it...