Les 88 buts de l'Euro sur notre carte [The 88 goals of the Euro on our map] | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

Note: the original of this is from a French daily newspaper - RTSR - and I've used Google Translate to provide a rough English translation for those who don't speak French. Apologies, I can read French but can't translate it.

The 88 goals of the Euro on our map

The long shots that hit remain exceptions. Of the 88 goals scored during the Euro, only 13 were scored from outside the penalty area. The fifteen were from within the area of 6 meters.

Besides the three autogoals, almost a goal was scored on two of the right foot (40), a third of the left foot (28 ) and a fifth of the head ( 17). Moreover, few free kicks have allowed players to beat the guards. All details in our infographic.

Click on the dots to review goals....