The 5 Newest Ways To Engage Learners - eLearning Industry | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

When was the last time you thought about engagement? In 2009, a Gallup State of the American Workplace report came out that showed organizations that were able to successfully engage both customers and employees could experience a 240 percent boost in performance-related business gains.

But it would seem most organizations have not gotten the word. Six years later, another Gallup report showed only 32 percent of U.S. employees were engaged. 32 percent! This means two thirds of the American workforce is essentially checked out.

Still, there’s good news. If you believe Gallup’s research, which suggests an organization’s innovations, growth, and revenue is strongly tied to its workers’ level of engagement, the low engagement of many US workers presents a competitive opportunity for businesses that are willing to take the extra steps necessary to inspire greater enthusiasm across their workforces.

A big part of this comes down to giving your workers the know-how to do their jobs more effectively. Corporate training, when done properly, can be a business driver in its own right. (To be sure, 42 percent of companies say eLearning has led to an increase of revenue.)So, the next time you host an eLearning session, here are some of newest and most proven ways to engage learners:...