Do Your Fans Like What You are Posting on Facebook? | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
A study on Facebook learned that photos are the best type of content to draw the highest-level of engagement while links draw the least...


Here's just a very quick article for you that once again emphasizes that videos, photos and visuals are essential to effective storytelling on the web.


Of the 300 brand pages, 150,000 posts, and 700 million likes in the study, photos drew the highest amount of engagement. And if a company wants content shared, then videos were the vehicle to make that happen.


There's a nice infographic in the article that I'm going to pin to my Pinterest board to keep handy.


Think about how you want to add more photos and videos to your website and content for greater engagement!


And thank you fellow curator Debra Askanase @askdebra for sending me this article.