Calvin and Hobbes on...Crisis Communication | Bernstein Crisis Management | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
This guest post from PR pro Brian Adams connects some great quotes from Calvin & Hobbes to the world of crisis management.


Two weeks ago I spent the morning sifting through quotes from a favorite character of my childhood. The resulting blog post, Winnie the Pooh on…Social Media, was so much fun to create that I decided to take a look back on another publication that provided me with wisdom during my youth, Calvin and Hobbes.


It seems as if young Calvin was always in crisis mode while Hobbes fanned the flames to watch the meltdown. The mistakes of these two characters contain valuable lessons for anyone facing a media crisis. After all, can’t we all sympathize with a child that so succinctly states what we all think when a crisis occurs: “Reality continues to ruin my life.”


Here are a few more bits of crisis wisdom from author Bill Watterson...


On Ignoring the Crisis
“What state do you live in?”


[Much more fun in the post ~ Jeff]


Visual from Bill Watterson's book on Amazon