Cashback News – Mar 24: Are consumers still cashing in coupons? | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
So the question today is: Are consumers still cashing in on coupons? We’ll look at the latest research, the impact of digital coupons and whether consumers still care about their coupons.

According to a report by Invesp, 59% of consumers will use a digital mobile coupon while shopping in 2016. An Inmar 2015 Shopper Study shows while overall coupon redemption is down 13%, digital usage is up. Macy’s, Target and other retailers are experimenting with Near Field Communication (NFC), Wi-Fi or GPS using iBeacons to deliver coupons. Jupiter Research estimates by 2020, beacons will be used to distribute around 1.6 billion coupons to smartphones annually, up from just 11 million this year.

Digital coupons appear to be reducing the impact of coupon fraud and research also shows consumers spend between $10 and $50 more if they get to use a digital coupon. Coupons as E. coli crisis management tool? Seems to be working at Chipotle where the company is rebuilding customer confidence after losing $72 million in the last quarter of 2015 due to its E. coli crisis. 58% of consumers prefer to receive their coupons, discounts and promotions by email says a report from PricewaterhouseCoopers. The report has eight key findings with insight on everything from mobile preferences and loyalty programs to coupons and social media.

Via Douglas G Hall