Corporate Communications: How Firms Build their Corporate Narrative | CEB Blogs | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Corporate communications teams around the world are working hard at the moment to build and present a “corporate narrative” to the world. There are two factors that are the main cause of all this interest and investment.

First, companies have become a lot more complex in recent years as they globalize and update their organizational structures; this makes it harder to communicate a single, clear company story.

Second, the amount of information available to people, and the ease with which people can tap into niche sources of information based on their interests – personal or professional – make it increasingly difficult to cut through the noise and engage people with a company story.

Two Trends

But without a cohesive company story, communicators — and their CEOs — fear that messages about the company’s identity and direction will be inconsistent, making the company appear disorganized, or even disingenuous. Early findings from a CEB survey on the topic show two interesting findings about the way firms build a corporate narrative....