Don't Get Seduced by the Latest Social-Media Gadget | PR News | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

The next shiny new thing in social media isn't necessarily a slam dunk.... Looking at Vine, there are some trends indicating that the Twitter-owned product has established itself as a worthwhile endeavor for communicators.


Unruly recently conducted a study using 10 million Vine submissions as its data set and determined the following:

- An average of 5 Tweets per second contain a Vine link.

- 4% of the top 100 tracked Vines is branded content.

- Weekends are the most popular time to share Vines.

- According to Unruly co-founder, Matt Cook, vines that evoke emotional response are shared most frequently.


On the flip side, Facebook has demonstrated how a new social-media product can land with a veritable thud. The company’s Home app has been described as a “flop,” and many are describing the smartphone home screen app as “too intrusive” and “pushy.”...