Study: Mobile Apps for Engagement, Mobile Web for Research & Comparisons | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

The mobile web and apps are complementary. However they’ve been treated as though they’re mutually exclusive in the press and in most industry discussions. Now comes a Millward Brown study, “The New Mobile Mantra,” that offers some deeper insight into when people use apps and when they use the mobile web.

While this isn’t the first piece of research to compare mobile web and app usage. But it’s more nuanced than most and seeks to get at the consumer psychology and rationale behind the varying use cases. The study, conducted over the course of the first three quarters of 2015, is based on both an examination of click-stream data and consumer survey data (n=2,011 US smartphone owners over 18).

Millward Brown found that while apps command the most user time, “61 percent of smartphone users access their browsers at least once a day, spending an average of 31 minutes in total.”...