7 of the Most Eye-Catching Liquor Bottle Designs | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

Back in 2011, food research consulting firm Technomic released a report claiming nearly a quarter of all vodka consumed was flavored. Manufacturers took notice, and over the ensuing half-decade, liquor store shelves exploded.

What was once considered a comparatively benign liquor now encompassed a diversity of flavors ranging from fruit-based to dessert-infused to abominations such as fresh-cut grass, tobacco, and sriracha. Pinnacle Vodka now boasts more than 40 “playful” varieties, up from 30 in 2013. My own local store carries five different types of coconut vodka alone.

As one would expect, this trend spilled over into other categories of booze. Though lacking the insipidness of vodka, liquor producers found creative ways to appeal to the flavor-seeking niche. Jack Daniel’s introduced honey and cinnamon whiskies, Hoxton gave us iris-imbued gin, and just recently, tequila manufacturers debuted a host of flavored varieties....