How not to apologize, by Donald Trump - without bullshit | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Donald Trump made piggish comments about women to Billy Bush, the cohost of Access Hollywood, in 2005. NBC released the video yesterday.


The video makes clear that, at least in 2005, Trump considered bedding women as sort of a video game, one he plays to win with wealth and power. As Republicans began to distance themselves from the comments — and some from Trump — Trump apologized. His apology is a case study in how not to apologize.


Here are some qualities of sincere apologies.

- You take responsibility for what you did.

- You are specific.

- You don’t talk about how you got caught and whether that is fair.

- You apologize directly to the people you hurt

.- You find or offer ways to make amends.

- You don’t justify why what you did is ok.

- You don’t go off topic to avoid talking about what happened.


Trump’s apology fails on every single element....