Ecom Revolution
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While it’s obvious that ecommerce is a lucrative sector, with revenue generated ranging in the hundreds of billions, more and more people are shopping online and using different payment services in the process.


Web-app performance management company, New Relic, deals with this sector and decided to collect the performance data of 15 of the most popular payment gateways out there.


The article:

***** Love how this Infographic opens with, "How Fast Is Your Payment Gateway." Sounds like a pickup line but is a great "inside baseball" infographic that asks all the right questions for ecommerce.!
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The continued rise of e-commerce and increased optimization of supply chains is affecting everything from distribution centers to store layouts.

**** Wow, this is an excellent article hidden in a backwoods. The chart of the often-unappreciated tectonic forces creating the ecommerce revolution is exceptional, insightful and one I will use many, many times.
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While millions of people across North America will be watching the first solar eclipse since 1994 on Sunday, the SkySafari 3 iOS app is celebrating with new features and a big sale.

***** Brilliant marketing takes advantage of what is happening NOW. Sky Safari's riff off of the upcoming solar eclipse is brand reinforcing and pure makreting genius.
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Ecommerce Checkout Optimization [Slideshow] - ab testing, checkout optimization, conversion optimization, ecommerce webinar Checkout...



***** Ah, the checkout, I think with warm memories of trying to tweak a million bucks out of ours when I was a Director of Ecommerce. Tiny improvements in checkouts result in big bucks, so am interested in any slideshow that will help in any way possible. This one from Elastic Ecommerce Blog (cool name) is pretty good and has ideas I've never thought about.

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Top 5 Social Media Tools that can help spread the buzz- Buffer App,Seesmic Ping,Sprout Social etc.!
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Great Nancy Levin article on ways Mobile is transforming ecommerce. Her main points include:

* Mobile Shoppers are POWER shoppers

* Mobile Freindly sites are a RULE not an exception or your brand/company suffers

*Mobile Security may be the new black

Of these three transformations I strongly agree with mobile shoppers being power shoppers. Also agree and have seen a study that supports the brand damage no or non-optimized mobile can do to a brand/company. Security is above my pay grade, but bet the mobile wallet pose new concerns/challenges.

Great Post via my friend @Iheartcharity.

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Google launched Knowledge Graph on 16th May 2012. Knowledge graph is a search technology which would help you to find out new information quickly and easily.

**** Great suggestion from Joy. Saw this idea this morning and walked by it. Appreciate Joy catching the miss. Marty!
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Japanese e-commerce giant Rakuten wants to plug Pinterest in to purchasing, after leading a $100 million investment in the social pinboard curator.

***** Wow didn't see that coming. Marty!
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The biggest ecommerce opportunity today involves taking offline services and offering them for sale online (O2O commerce). The first generation of O2O commerce was driven by discounting, push-based engagements, and artificial scarcity.

***** Love learning new terms and O2O (Offline To Online) is new to me :). Marty!
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This feature rich ecommerce platform providing great level of flexibility and control was launched in the year 2008. From then, it has become popular because of its numerous benefits and features. The strong reason behind its ...

**** Atlantic BT just become Bronze Solution Partner for open source ecommerce platform Magento. Working on marketing materials myself right now and admit I would have killed for Magento's full magazine of ecommerce bullets, excellent cart and mobile ready code.
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It's not official yet, but we're expecting it to be within the next few months: Search Engine Optimization is about to be turned on its head by Social...


Well at least the writer had the decency NOT to say SEO is dead lol

**** SEO isn't dead but different. Sir Martin Sorrell CEO of super agency WPP confirmed something I've been feeling for awhile - Google's resurgence - this morning on Squawkbox. The other much richer Martin said that his company's massive media buy, some $75B annually, is up 17% in Google flat in Facebook.

Sorrell described Google's position as "powerful" if they can master the five legs of their stool. Writing a ScentTrail blog post on Google's resurgence to put words to this feeling now that the other Martin has confirmed a gut feel. 

Excellent scoop by my friends at Level343. 

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Internet Retailer - Marketing/Social Media - Retailers must ‘wow’ on social networks (Social Media - Retailers must ‘wow’ on social networks - Internet Retailer via @sharethis...)...!
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Consuming content in frequent, small portions means more touchpoints for marketers...

***** Yes the continuous integration idea is sure to come to many, many things and what it means to be an "Internet marketer" is going through some serious change too. Marty!
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Online recommendations are now considered to be more important than traditional word-of-mouth, according to a survey by Eccomplished.


***** As a former Director of Ecommerce reviews taking over WOM doesn't surprise me. Reviews are social and we are in the middle of a massive transformation. The new ecommerce will be highly social led by reviews. WOM isn't unimportant, but in the moment with a deadline like 12.25 looming reviews win. Marty!
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Digital marketing isn't a fad - it's the future. And although it may be a notoriously difficult task to project the future; the most telling variable is what's happening in the present.


Look around you and you'll notice that the world is connected, communicating and constantly clicking.


There's no reason to believe that the demographic cohort that will follow Generation Y, will be any different. In fact, the next generation will be the first that cannot conceive a world that isn't defined and enabled by the Internet, mobile devices and online social networking. Still not convinced?


The following Infographic by ROI Media  - - presents an overview of the digital landscape, and the changes pointing towards the need for social media marketing in commerce.


Download / Embed Here: ;!
janlgordon's comment, May 1, 2012 4:17 PM
Thanks Michele, this is a great one!
Strong!RT @allysonriccardi: how #ecommerce is transforming ALL #consumer shopping behavior via @trendwatching...

***** Love these guys and you will too. Marty!
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Marty's Top 10 Ecommerce Holiday Tips

Martin (Marty) Smith

Hard to believe it is that time of year again, but for ecommerce Directors and teams Christmas is happening right now. Here are my top 10 Ecommerce Tips:

  1. Free Shipping Strategy - You have to do it. Free Shipping is cost of Holiday Ecommerce poker in a MAD (mutually assured destruction) world. You don't have to do it All Shipments, All Orders. I suggest reserving the All Shipments, All Orders offer until the last of it (December 10 on). Use trigger points for the rest of the holiday selling season. Any trigger point will be exceeded by 40% or 50% so test their point of diminishing return.

  2. Social Strategy - I used to give my ecommerce team Black Friday off. If you run an ecommerce store now (only two years later) no Black Friday off from social media. Find ways to knit your social shares into your campaigns and think about breaking a campaign designed for social (especially Facebook).

  3. Facebook - My team could never get Facebook ads to pay for themselves with anything other than emails into our list. 4Q is a little late for emails into your list, but throw 5% of your holiday ad budget into F Commerce and see what happens (and tell me please).

  4. Shipping Schedule Out Early - I'm not sure you can put your holiday shipping table up too early. We created a cool matrix with checkboxes indicating what our customers could expect when. That table went live 11.1 and calling November "early bird" specials. You've probably seen other e-merchants riff something similar. No matter what you call it go early and often and large and in charge with your shipping table.

  5. Early Season Hitters - In the early part of the season we liked to feature the really HOT stuff discounted as much as we were going to. This tactic creates the impression you are going a little price crazy this year, it scares your competitors (except Amazon) and pays off later in the season as the deadline looms and prices have gone up (or, if all goes amazing you are OOS - out of stock- on one or two of the uber-HOT things).

  6. No Big IT Changes Past Labor Day - I have to admit I didn't live by this rule, but I wanted too (lol). Don't mess with the backend after Labor Day or you risk upsetting the apple cart and not in a good way. Try to freeze your code as much as possible.

  7. Don't Freeze Catalog - Never, Never, Never freeze your catalog. Keep riffing wild and crazy stuff all holiday season. Introduce some new bundle or cool thing only you have and put surprises into your merchandising plan. The average shopper only visits your site about 1.3 times before making a decision at this time of year so ROCK THEIR WORLD.

  8. PR Value of Crazy - I grew up in Dallas, Texas the home of Nieman Marcus. NM certainly understands the value of a little Christmas crazy. Every year they have some goofy gif that no one buys and they could care less because having Elton John come sing at your birthday party isn't mean to be bought as much as shared. Find something viral, sticky and cool to offer this holiday season. If you know Elton COOL, if not get creative and create some exclusive STUFF only you have and that tests the line between cool and crazy.

  9. You, Me and Bobby McGee - Remember Christmas and the holidays are all about nostalgia. Find visual clues (colors, images) that help set the mood and warms up your site. Your site should feel like logs burning on a fire (or the video equivalent).

  10. Best Offers, Best Times of Year - One of the most important lesson I've learned from my last gig as Director of Ecommerce for a B2C site run by direct marketers is BEST OFFERS BEST TIMES OF YEAR. I wanted to reform the summer. Nope, my boss explained fire your best bullets at your best time (4Q).

Hope these ten tips help you have a great holiday prep season. These tips are exclusive to


Read more!
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***** Wow agreed, but not a surprise. The Apple store is the most revolutionary retail concept I've seen. My favorte Apple Store story is our mall in Durham, NC lost power due to a thunderstorm one day. Everyone cleared out EXCEPT the Apple store. The Apple store, despite not having power, went on. I bought AAPL the next day at $200. Had to sell it a few months later to pay for Martin's Ride To Cure Cancer, but made a nice profit and that profit helped me cover the costs of riding a bicycle from Durham to LA (so Thanks AAPL). Marty!
Larry's comment, April 19, 2012 3:19 AM
Amusing ! It could have been relevant to compare to Amazon... for the same goods. The title is typical Apple Worshipping.

New data from SMB DigitalScape points to a number of glaring problems (and opportunities) as less than 20 percent of SMB sites are linking from their website to a social presence. An astonishing 60 percent are missing a phone number on the homepage.

***** Yes, I'm a Marketing Director for Atlantic BT, a web development compnay in Raleigh, North Carolina and understanding how social and search are now one is difficult for many customers. Once they DO understand social = better search rannkings THEN they insist on social shares across their site (as they should).

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There’s no question that building great inbound links to your site is hard work. While many site owners resort to spamming blog comment sections to get their backlinks, that’s neither necessary, nor effective for your SEO efforts. But it's probably just a last ditch effort since, although there's much talk about generating inbound links, the nitty gritty ways to actually do that are rarely discussed.


But link building doesn’t need to be as tough as most people make it. Think of it like social media -- if you’re a source of great content and you get it in front of the right people, they’re going to share it. With that in mind, I'll get you started with 32 ideas to get you building legitimate inbound links.


***** Now if inbound links only mattered half abs much as before Panda. Marty!
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Evolution of Search Engines - Recently we have seen a massive shift where Cyber Monday outperformed Black Friday as a revenue source - Website Hosting, Green Hosting (Social Media for Finding Web Sites

******My favorite riff in here is the "new sequence" toward the end. Feels right and is so multi-touch social you and I are never going to understand our conversion funnels. Marty!
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"Are You Ready to Fully Expose Your Brand to Social Media Users?"


This is a great post about brand ambassadors - what we call evangelists. How open should the kimono be? Can you really be transparent, even to your biggest supporters.


Via @GrowMap!
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Welcome to the BIGLIST of SEM and SEO blogs!

****** Great list of SEO resources. Marty!
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A blog about ecommerce marketing, running an online business and updates to Shopify's ecommerce community.

***** Cool tips here. Marty!
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The call-to-action (CTA) is an important tool for promoting your marketing offers and making sure your lead gen engine stays humming. In fact, we believe that your CTAs should be on just about every page of your website.


But surely there should be more of a science involved than just slapping a CTA button on any page on your site willy-nilly.



Step 1: Map Your Offers to Stages in the Sales Cycle


Before you do anything else, you need to conduct an audit of all the marketing offers you have at your disposal. Create a spreadsheet, and list all of your offers in column A. It's also a good idea to list their corresponding landing pages in column B.


Next, identify the various stages in your sales cycle. This may be different from business to business and industry to industry, but just so we're all on the same page, we'll go with the three most widely recognized stages: awareness, evaluation, and purchase.


Once you've identified the various stages in your sales cycle, add a third column to your spreadsheet, and categorize each of your existing offers by these stages.


The content assets listed in the 'awareness' stage are appropriate for that stage of the buying cycle because they help educate your lead.

The content assets in the 'evaluation' stage, however, speak directly to how your company can help solve their needs.

The assets in the 'purchase' stage require more action from the lead.



Step 2: Map Your Website Pages to Stages in the Sales Cycle


The next thing you'll need to do is determine how each page on your website aligns with the stages you identified in step 1. By knowing which pages more effectively appeal to visitors in particular stages of the sales cycle, you'll know where to place the offer CTAs that coincide with those stages.


So how do you know which pages of your website map to which stages of your sales cycle? You'll need two pieces of intelligence:

- your marketing analytics...

- and your common sense...



Step 3: Use Analytics to Identify Your Best Offers for Each Stage


So now you know which stage in your sales cycle each of your offers align with, and you've also determined which pages on your site CTAs for those offers belong.


Use your landing page analytics to analyze your offers by each sales cycle stage, and pick out your top-performing offers by using metrics such as landing page conversion rate and submissions as proxies.



Step 4: Design, Test, and Analyze

Add the appropriate CTA buttons for your offers to their corresponding web pages. And if you don't have CTAs for your offers, get to designing them!


Read full and detailed article here:!
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Scoop it Creator

Martin (Marty) Smith