4 Secrets to Learning Anything, According to Neuroscience | Continuous Learning | Scoop.it
The future of work is all about innovation and agility. We have to be prepared for ever-changing circumstances, and that means being open to learning new things.

Learning is no longer something we just do in schools. We can't rely on just the skillset we knew when we entered the workforce--that will guarantee career stagnation.


NLI has recently been exploring how to make ideas stick. Through their research, they created a model outlining four key conditions for effective learning: Attention, Generation, Emotion and Spacing (AGES).


Here's a quick overview of the AGES model:


Attention: When you learn, maintain a single focus having complete and undivided attention.

Generation: Listening isn't enough. Heighten the likelihood of memory retention by doing something with the information you're learning. Create a situation that will make this information meaningful.

Emotion: Strong emotions lead to strong memories. Look for ways to build an emotional connection to what you're learning.

Spacing: In order to grow memory, you need a break in between learning.


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