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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Top Haiku Decks Generate 101,000+ Views & Almost 1,000 Shares via @Curagami

Top Haiku Decks Generate 101,000+ Views & Almost 1,000 Shares via @Curagami | BI Revolution |

Top Haiku Decks
Haiku Deck is an easy to use cool tool perfectly timed for the visual marketing revolution we find ourselves within. We've created more than 30 Decks, but 11 stand out.

They stand out because they've been viewed more than 101,000 times, have almost 1,000 social shares and are the kind of easy to create content curation helping to define the lean content movement so dear to our friends at (another great lean content / visual marketing tool).  

See our top 11 Haiku Decks  

See All of Our Haiku Decks  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Klout Getting Better & Better

Klout Getting Better & Better | BI Revolution |

Marty Note
If you haven't checked your Klout score recently you should. Not just because your Klout score is a good indication on your "ding the universe" mission, but also because the Klout-ers are building some cool tools.

I just used their content scheduler for the first time. I liked the ease of putting 3 Tweets into queue and their content suggestions were excellent. I have to dig around mountains of ants and termites to find content half as good.

Also like their people suggestions. Going to be interesting to see if their people recommendations follow back or if they are so big following back little munchkins (like moi) is beyond them. The recommendations were relevant and cool, so, much like their content suggestions, easy and powerful people to follow suggestions.

The tool is improving at a rapid rate (Kudos) and their focus on EASY and painless is much appreciated. So go check your Klout score and ping me and I will send you Klout Perks or kudos or whatever the hell we trade in there (lol). M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Tour de Curagami - What's Your Score? #freereport via @Curagami

Tour de Curagami - What's Your Score? #freereport via @Curagami | BI Revolution |
We created Curagami to answer a single vexing question. What content should you create and why? Our Curagami Reports answer that question for you.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Great Content Curation Tool BuzzSumo: Discover Most Shared Links & Key Influencers

Great Content Curation Tool BuzzSumo: Discover Most Shared Links & Key Influencers | BI Revolution |
BuzzSumo allows you to discover the most shared links and key influencers for any topic. It's free to use and you can run a search in seconds!
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Wow, love BuzzSumo and what a friend to content curators. BuzzSumo organizes the firehose of content and shares the most shared links and key influencers BY keyword search. This morning I typed in marketing and found an amazing post from The Next Web about emotions in marketing. GREAT tool for content curators.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

69 Free Social Media Monitoring Tools [UPDATE 2013]

69 Free Social Media Monitoring Tools [UPDATE 2013] | BI Revolution |
If you want to know what’s happening in the social web you need social media monitoring tools. Before you reach for your wallet and start to spend money try out some of the free social media monitoring services.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great "new to me" tools in this list along with some favs. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith! AND More Powerful Together Than Either Alone AND More Powerful Together Than Either Alone | BI Revolution |
Why is Scoop It Kicking Paper Li's Rear End?

Isn't it the same concept? You create your own online newspaper. Why is Scoop It generating so much more…
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight: + Scoopit Better Then Either Alone
This link is to a thread on Google Plus, but it represents a dangerous way of thinking about Internet marketing. There is an active thread about @Scoopit vs. in an either or way.

I don't believe in "either or" much. As an Internet marketer I believe in "X and Y" especially when both X and Y provide different benefits. Here is what I just wrote on Google Plus:

"I like the hands on nature of and the hands off nature of's model is constructed off of existing followers. Every now and again I tune my I do this by adding and subtracting feeds. I watch the changes for a few days to see if I have the mix I want and then let it play. is HIGHLY DYNAMIC so how I mix my feed salad today is no guarantee of anything tomorrow. At a macro level feeds tend to wobble in the same general space, so there is some predictability about the content mix...some.

I also use the manual tool when I want to build specific content into my paper.'s efficiency has to be greater than due to the feeds, but that efficiency also means the tuning sensitivity isn't as high as a curator's ability to manually curates a magazine.

I know I am more powerful content marketer and curator because I use both and I also know my friends at Small Rivers and well enough to know they are working on cool new things as I write this."

Anything I can use to create engagement and advantage needs to be used and these tools compliment each other so much there is no doubt any Internet marketers creations or curation is made stronger by using them in concert with one another.


Jesse Wojdylo's thread on Google Plus with my comments:

This conversation keeps getter better. Here is the latest question and my answer:

+Kia Slade No, Kia I like Storify for pasting together blog-like stories. When I use Storify I tell more stories. When I use I curate content and I curate feeds into a coherent self sustaining "daily".

Best way to get a sense of the difference is to look at how differently I use all three:

Scoopit Revolutions are here:

Here was my first "magazine" Curation Revolution:

ScentTrail Daily



Newest to Storify so haven't gotten my mind around its UI yet, but it beckons a diary-like storytelling format supplemented with strong visuals and links kind of like a Delicious on steroids.

Hope these examples help. All GREAT tools with real curation and creation power. Marty
Brad Tollefson's curator insight, May 22, 2013 8:28 PM

Looking into ...

Kelly Hungerford's comment, June 13, 2013 4:26 AM
Howard, can you point me to your how-to? Much appreciated.
Kelly Hungerford's comment, June 13, 2013 4:30 AM
Dolly,thanks for your comment. Indeed for someone who truly want so collect and add commentary, is the service. And I would even go as far as to say to tell as story, then Storify.
Suggested by Christino Martin!

5 Cool Tools To Increase Online Branding [Infographic]

5 Cool Tools To Increase Online Branding [Infographic] | BI Revolution |
Infographic on building business branding with 5 professional digital tools online marketing with social media marketing & applications to increase branding
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great infographic on 5 ver cool tools to do some serious online branding from All Infographics.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

P vs. I: Pinterest Best For Older Women, Instragram Is Younger And More Men

P vs. I: Pinterest Best For Older Women, Instragram Is Younger And More Men | BI Revolution |
Analysis of Instagram vs Pinterest audience usage data and a model for determining which platform is right for your company or brand.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great piece on how to figure which social network will work best for your business vertical. Love the, "Let's go to the DATA," approach. 

Jeff Domansky's curator insight, December 13, 2012 2:10 PM

Marketers and communicators take note.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Why PageRank Matters

Why PageRank Matters | BI Revolution |

PageRank Matters
We love it when goofy stupid people say stupid things. But we hate it when friends who should know better say goofy stupid stuff. The other day at a lunch with SEOs and web marketing friends from around my Durham, NC home a friend who should know better said, "PageRank (PR) doesn't matter anymore". 

I pointed out that PR is one of the few FREE and universal metrics. I went on a bit of a rant about how any metric can be modeled into significance. The new PR is a valuable, universal (everyone is treated equally by Google more or less) and FREE metric capable of helping anyone's we marketing. 

This post discuses why PR is important and what THEIR (competitor) PR can teach you Google uses PR the way an instructor uses a pointer. They hold up and reward examples of what they want. If your competitor's have PR 2 to 4 points higher than you then emulate what they are doing.

Never stop at emulation. Once your site's "emulation" "cost of poker" feet are under it DISRUPT and reset your industry's deck. Emulation + disruption is one of the formulas teams I've managed made more than $30M in B2C commerce sales.

I paid for lunch to show my friend his momentary brain fart was okay (lol). M  

**** Added a correction from my friend Mark Traphagen. PR, at least what you can access with free tools, is DEAD. Mark recommends the paid tool we use ( Shouldn't be a huge surprise that FREE is gone. All great FREE things cost money now. We've used for customer work, but thought we could model with PRChecker too. Not so much as it turns out sadly. Appreciate Mark's note. M 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Our Favorite Gamification Tools Added To Ask For Help & Share Tools You Love @HaikuDeck

Our Favorite Gamification Tools Added To Ask For Help & Share Tools You Love  @HaikuDeck | BI Revolution |

We Added a page on top gamification tools such as (affordable gamification), Badgeville and Bunch Ball.

We now have pages for our favorite Analytics (just added Marin Software to that list), Content Curation and Gamification tools. We will develop a "gallery" of profile pages on to share how and why we like THESE tools over others.

What about you? What are your favorite online marketing tools? Email to Martin(at) or tweet using #favtools

Thanks, Marty

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Social Media Trends 2014 | Video

Social Media Trends 2014 | Video | BI Revolution |

The social media trends in the US for 2014: twitter, snaptchat, instagram, Vine...

Marty Note
Cool video but MUTE it before you play it (horrible music) and don't be doing three things at once since great stats fly by fast.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

G+ One of 5 "Secret" and Disruptive Content Curation Tools - Atlantic BT

G+ One of 5 "Secret" and Disruptive Content Curation Tools - Atlantic BT | BI Revolution |

5 Secret & Disruptive Content Curation Tools
* Haiku Deck.
* Pinterest.
* GooglePlus.

Martin W. Smith on GPlus

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Rockin' Linkedin For Business | Infographic

Rockin' Linkedin For Business | Infographic | BI Revolution |
LinkedIn holds a lot of value to marketers as a business focused on B2B, as it gives the opportunity to connect with potential clients and partners. S
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

LinkedIn feels like the mostly undiscovered diamond in the rough in Interent marketing.

Denise Davies's curator insight, May 25, 2013 6:35 AM

LinkedIN as a business tool.

malek's comment, May 28, 2013 11:23 AM
Interesting scoop
Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Infographics and Social Media!

15 SEO Writing Tips [5 Infographic, 5 Marty]

15 SEO Writing Tips [5 Infographic, 5 Marty] | BI Revolution |

This is an infographic about current SEO thinking with tips and tools to help sites rank better on search engines.


Most people have a general idea of how to optimize their content for search engines. That search engine algorithms are proprietary and evolving inevitably causes different opinions on SEO. Of course there’s another school of thought that minimal keyword research and a green-light from a SEO plugin are enough to publish a piece.


This infographic challenges writers and some of the preconceived notions about SEO. It has a mixture of tips and tools to help you rank better in search...

Via Lauren Moss, John Boitnott
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Marty's 5 SEO Writing Tips

I've written about how to write for humans and spiders extensively at , but here are 5 "quick SEO Writing tips" to add to this excellent infographic:

5 More SEO Writing Tips
* Write out "Stop words" (words like I, and, but, we, them, they spiders can't understand).
* Be specific - one way to write out "stop words" is to be specific.

* Short Sentences - helps eliminate connections (and, but, thus, so).

* Short paragraphs - helps humans read online.

* Use subheads (H2s) - Only ONE H1, but you can have multiple H2s.


You may not know about "stop words". I was taught to gauge quality score by putting total words on the top and stop words on the bottom. If you have 10 words with 5 stop words you would have a "quality" score of 2.

I don't have to do the math anymore. Now I WRITE long and edit out as many stop words as I can before copy sounds spamming. Seeing words like "it", "they" or "them" I rewrite by being specific about those things. Sometimes I have to use alternative words since to use the main word to replace a non-specific word like "it" may mean the copy is too keyword dense.

Any word with MEANING is better than a stop word. Write "natural" and train your editing eye to see and replace stop words, long sentences and dense paragraphs. Web writing is more Hemingway than Faulkner, so punch those words out :).

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, May 2, 2013 12:52 PM
Great comment MizWalidah. I wold modify one point. Instead of "continually optimizing your meta keywords and tags" I would find ways to ping in fresh content such as User Generated Content from reviews or comments. Once a website I've SEOed is inside of Google's algorithm changing meta values that matter (mostly the page's title) can HURT SEO. I change titles VERY VERY carefully since the first rule of SEO is DO NO DAMAGE. The QDF (Quality Deserves Freshness) movement post Panda and Penguin LOVES it when a page pings, so I love the 1% of visitors who are willing to comment, review or otherwise contribute User Generated Content.

I DON'T play with meta nearly as much as you imply since to do so can look SPAMMY and cause real harm. The most important idea is creating content other people want to share. This is why I love GAMES and CONTESTS especially for bands. High engagement content such as Contests and Games can help with SEO and they can help create a distinct brand all bands need. Appreciate your enthusiasm, but be careful about meta (especially title) changes. Marty
Coralie D.'s curator insight, May 3, 2013 4:32 AM

Infographie sympa sur la rédaction SEO... A lire et relire, c'est toujours utile ! ;)

Joe Wise's curator insight, May 21, 2013 5:31 PM

Any of you SEO gurus out there care to confirm any of this?

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Digital-News on today!

DISRUPTION: Why Google+ Is Best Social Net for Content Marketers

DISRUPTION: Why Google+ Is Best Social Net for Content Marketers | BI Revolution |
Play along with me here for a minute. Imagine some drunk wandering down the sidewalk at 3 in the morning. He's got a cigarette dangling from his lip and

Via Thomas Faltin
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

AGREE - Google Plus Disrupts
I was in a conference the other day and people actually chuckled when Google plus was mentioned, they laughed. "Perfect," I remember thinking; "no one gets it yet time to double down on Google Plus". You don't make millions online by doing things the way others are doing them. 

You make money by being remarkable, distinct and disruptive. Money is simply the currency we use to keep score. You can't make money online by setting out to make money (irony). Authentic honesty is the table stakes of online poker. 

Insincere disruption or disruptions not supported by social signals don't last long. Once you know the story you want to tell, I would tell it on Google Plus. Don't forsake the other social nets, just use G+ as your main horse, the one you ride the most and the one who gets the best oats. 

Why? More than just G+ comes from Google; Google Plus is less crowded (at the moment) and less defined. "Less defined" means common groupthink and best practices are less established. Since Google Plus is a suite of tools with many possible combinations it may stay "less defined" for a long time. 

The way you combine and use the suite of tools that make up G+ may be very different than the next user (and this is what you want). It is easier to use a suite of tools to disrupt than a platform. Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have their own very defined structure, a structure largely controlled by someone else. 

Tools Rule
Google Plus is not perfect (by a long shot). Many of its elements and tools are counter-intuitive and infuriating (at first). Hang in there and keep creating, combining and re-combining and you will like the end result (eventually). 

Google Plus is more conducive to long form content and conversations too. Don't just repost. Make sure you add some original value even if the piece started somewhere else. Can't have conversations on Twitter and Facebook friends want to hear about your children and trips. G+ is where I go to have meaningful conversations about Internet marketing.

The environment can turn contentious on strange things, but adopt the attitude that all feedback is GOOD, praise and listen and your ideas will get BETTER on G+. How disruptive is that?

 Conversation continues on G+: 

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from BUSINESS and more!

Semantic Keyword Grouping – Improving Quality Score With Relevance

Semantic Keyword Grouping – Improving Quality Score With Relevance | BI Revolution |

Semantic Keyword Grouping is a very important topic for anyone who wants to put everything on his side. Whether you are active in the marketing, sale or any other field, what counts are the visits to your blog and / or website. Maybe this tool can help you in your effort. [note mg]

I've published another post about semantic research on my Social Media topic here:

Group keywords semantically and see important PPC results like improved relevance, a better quality score, and a stronger click through rate with WordStream.

Grouping keywords semantically is the key to a successful, well-organized pay-per-click ad campaign. But what exactly is semantic keyword grouping? It's the process of organizing keywords into small, manageable groups according to semantic relevance. In other words, keywords that share a high degree of meaning or intent are gathered together in segments.

Read more:

Via Martin Gysler
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